Here is the link to "Short Story Lover"!
Monday, April 3, 2023
Creative Critical Reflection
Here are the Links to my both parts of my Creative Critical Reflection!
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Last Minute Changes and Final Thoughts
I'm happy to say that I am nearing the end of my project! I have nearly finished my film opening and only need to find some background music to add to it. Overall, though I am very proud of how it has turned out.
As for the CCR, there has been a change in plans. I had originally intended to create a director's commentary to respond to two of the questions I need to answer, however, I no longer have time to film what I would need for the director's commentary, so I will be creating a podcast instead. As for the voice-over presentation, I found a really cute template on Slidesgo that I really like and am very excited to use.
This project has been a long road of trying and learning new things and I'm really happy with how it has turned out. This will likely be my last post before I post my CCR and film opening. I'm very proud of myself and everything I've been able to accomplish over these past couple of weeks, and I can't wait to see what I'll be able to do with the skills I've acquired throughout this entire process.
Project Components
Well, that's a wrap! Bellow are the links to the project components! Enjoy :) Instagram: @stare.shortfilm Postcard: Front of Pos...

In attempting to create a better concept for my short film, I decided to do what I always do, and start writing down any words that cam...
Story Board Over the past few days, I've been trying my best to work on my storyboard for the opening. I must admit that I...
When starting the documentary portion in our class, we watched a series of documentaries to get us familiarized with this specific genr...