Sunday, March 3, 2024

Test Shots & Social Media

Capturing Test Shots

    As mentioned in my previous post, I spent a good portion of my Saturday driving down to my dad's office in Doral to get some practice shots for my short film, so I can start experimenting with editing, as well as get content for the social media page. I didn't just go down to Doral to get shots of an empty conference room though, I was able to have my best friend, who I met through doing theater outside of school, Clara Pangalangan to come with me. They will be playing the personification of death. I picked them specifically, because I knew that they'd be able to capture the monotone yet haunting look that I was looking for when I first thought of the idea for Stare

      When we got to the office, I was a little disappointed to see that the table was a lot bigger than I had originally thought, as I wasn't able to move it out of the room. however the wall were bare aside from a white board and a map that I could easily just avoid filming. We did have to work around the table and rolling chairs, which was quiet funny at times since we were situating everything and moving around, only to realize there was the corner of a rolling chair appearing at the very corner of the frame. At one point, I literally sat on the table in order to get an angle of the shot of Clara standing in the corner (shown above).

    I got quite a few shots of them in the room, walking, and turning. I even got a shot of them staring at the camera, with a sunset lamp shining in their face, since I was trying to experiment with how I would show the end sequence of "Death" having collected all the colors. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely convinced of the sunset lamp creating the look I wanted but I still think the shot itself looks pretty cool. I also had Clara bring some colorful clothes, so I could experiment with editing and color isolation, but I will see how that goes later on this week.

Starting Social Media Page

    This week we are supposed to start the social media aspect of our project, so that's exactly what I have done. I opened up an Instagram page, as I felt Instagram would be versatile enough to allow me to create various post types like  video clips and images. I plan on taking inspiration from the Midsommar social media page, and creating some form of countdown later down the line, one in which each character is highlighted in each post. As for now though, I have created the profile @stare.shortfilm. This upcoming week I plan on creating the profile photo, and initial posts. 

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Project Components

       Well, that's a wrap! Bellow are the links to the project components! Enjoy :) Instagram: @stare.shortfilm Postcard: Front of Pos...