I am happy to say that I have the full short film shot!
Monday, March 25, 2024
Production Overview!
Props (so many props...)
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Pre-production (Shot List)
Preparation for filming continues! I've created a rough shot list of every single shot I need to get on Saturday..
Wide shot of the empty room
Wide shot of death appearing in the middle of the room
Medium shot (close up?) of death looking to the left and right, then forward
Medium shot of Yellow trying to find the thermometer
Close up of Death staring
Medium shot of yellow looking for tylenol then looking up at camera
Close up of death
Medium Yellow panicking
Close up of death
Close up of yellow panicking, begging
Medium of death turning to the right
Medium of purple sitting on a lawn chair smoking
Medium of death tilting their head
Close up of purple
Medium of death looking at the table and back purple
Close up of purple coughing
Close up of Death, intense stare
Medium of Purple coughing up blood
Medium of Death, purple shirt covered in blood
Medium of Purple falling off chair still coughing
Medium of Death turning to the right
Wide shot of green sitting in a bathtub
Close up of death
Wide shot of green crying in bathtub
Close up of death, vaguely confused
Wide shot of green crying/screaming
Medium shot of Death backing away (V.O. of Blue)
Side view medium shot of Death with green shirt on
Full front close up of Blue
Full front medium/close up of Death
Close up of Blue smiling at death
Close up of Death staring
Medium of blue handing death a flow
Close up of death taking flower, and looking back up at blue
Medium of Blue walking off frame
Medium of Death staring into camera, frame closing in
Getting the Cast Together!
With two days left before filming, its time to get the cast together! I've had the cast predetermined for a while now, it was just a matter of seeing if they were available on the day that I plan to film. Thankfully everyone except for one person is available on Saturday, so my sister is stepping in for that person. As for the rest of the cast, it's literally just my friend group because I had easy access to them and we all do theater together, so I was able to fit each person with the character I thought they would be able to play the best. Below is the cast list in order in which they appear in the script:
Death- Clara Pangalangan
Yellow- Ayami Ratnayake
Purple- Graesen Pethtel
Green- Mariana Aldana
Blue- Isa Saralegui
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Change in Filming Location
Over the weekend while finishing the script, I knew that I would need to get a lot more shots of Death, since the ones I took before, were more test shots. While trying to coordinate how I would even get everyone I need to be in my project down to my dad's office in Doral, I realized I was sitting in my dad's new apartment, with an office room that only has a couple boxes and household items. I asked my dad if he'd be okay with the everyone coming to his apartment to film my project, and if I could move the boxes out of the room, and use it for Death's room and he agreed!
Sunday, March 17, 2024
The Script is (Finally) Done!
It took me long enough, but I finally finished the script! I'm really excited with what I've come up with, and I'm looking forward to getting started with filming this upcoming weekend! I'll probably make some edits here and there after this post, but here is the full Stare script!
Friday, March 15, 2024
Research For the Script
This past week, I unfortunately didn't get as much done as I wanted to, including finishing the script. While part of the issue was lack of proper scheduling and time management admits a terribly busy week, the other half of the issue was figuring out how to create characters, particularly the green and yellow characters who are meant to depict how people who are dealing with survivors guilt or someone who is horribly afraid of dying. I want to be able to portray these specific characters as carefully as possible since they are characters that are more rooted in actual conditions and I want to make sure they are represented accurately and respectfully.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Print Component Research
Post card advertisements make it possible for filmmakers to easily advertise their films at film festivals by handing out the postcards to the people there.
Us. Them. Me. by Quincy Woo
This is the postcard for Quincy Woo's final thesis film that was to be shown at the Oregon Independent Film Festival. The way that the postcard itself is structured draws the audience in, with the two figures on each side of the text helping to establish a more serious tone as they are cast in a shadow, almost like they are fading into the black background. This technique creates a meaning in the two character's relationship, possibly something keeping them apart, while still being connected to one another. This also allows for a reader's attention to be further drawn to the white text in the center (which stands out very well against the black background), that displays the title of the piece, the director's name, as well as the three acclaims it has already received. Having the "Official Selection" for the screening at the Oregon Independent Film Festival crest going at the top of the pyramid of three brings it to the audiences attention, and highlights it as the most recent, and relevant to the advertisement itself.
Dear Peter by Scott Willis
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Putting Social Media Together
The Logo/Profile Picture
First option. |
First Post
Monday, March 4, 2024
First Group Meeting
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Test Shots & Social Media
Capturing Test Shots
As mentioned in my previous post, I spent a good portion of my Saturday driving down to my dad's office in Doral to get some practice shots for my short film, so I can start experimenting with editing, as well as get content for the social media page. I didn't just go down to Doral to get shots of an empty conference room though, I was able to have my best friend, who I met through doing theater outside of school, Clara Pangalangan to come with me. They will be playing the personification of death. I picked them specifically, because I knew that they'd be able to capture the monotone yet haunting look that I was looking for when I first thought of the idea for Stare.
When we got to the office, I was a little disappointed to see that the table was a lot bigger than I had originally thought, as I wasn't able to move it out of the room. however the wall were bare aside from a white board and a map that I could easily just avoid filming. We did have to work around the table and rolling chairs, which was quiet funny at times since we were situating everything and moving around, only to realize there was the corner of a rolling chair appearing at the very corner of the frame. At one point, I literally sat on the table in order to get an angle of the shot of Clara standing in the corner (shown above).
Starting Social Media Page
Beginning of Script Writing & Finding a Name
Script Writing
In class this week, I focused on writing my script. I had originally planned on finishing it and beginning filming on Saturday March 2nd, but I then realized that was entirely unrealistic, especially if I want to create something of real quality. I did still end up getting some shots at my dad's office, since he has a pretty empty conference room so I can practice and experiment with editing and have some content for the social media page, but more on that in the next post.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Social Media Research
I unfortunately grossly overestimated the amount of time that I had this week after school, and while I've been working well throughout the week, I still found I scheduled out my week wrong. Regardless of my miscalculation, the show must go on, and I will make sure that this upcoming week I properly organize myself. This week was time to start researching our social media component for the portfolio project. Below are three social media pages for pieces of media that either inspired my film idea, or are of a similar genre.
Social media tool:
Description of types of posts:
The posts consist of a healthy combination of pictures and videos. In the week leading up to the release of the movie, there is a series of posts counting down the days till the release. In each post, clips of the movie are shown, each seeming to follow and introduce a different character or different significant aspects of the film. As the posts go on, they get more and more intense as well.
Before this, the pages first two posts consisted of the movie's posters, clips of the trailer and movie, as well as one post that has an image or clip from the film with a quote from critics praising the film. In these particular posts, the use of what looks like a piece of paper burned at the edges is used to display the quotes.
Description of how branding is developed (or not):
Throughout the page, the color is consistent, with a very pastel color palette, and overexposed images that are consistent with the aesthetic of the movie. There are also a lot of colorful flowers included throughout the social media that are very important to the premise of the film. Despite the pleasant color design and flower elements, the content includes content that raises fear and suspense with the audience.
BoJack Horseman
Even the captions on the posts are very indicative of BoJack's personality, and fit right in with something viewers may see him say or do in the actual show. There are even screenshots from notes apps, that give further insight into the life and mind of some of the characters.
Description of branding and how its developed (or not):
On the Instagram page, the brand is developed through the developing of the main character's personal social media page. Through this, the show's overall cynical and day-in-the-life of a celebrity tone. The use of posts of the animated character's promoting their work and sharing moments with one another, makes the viewer feel like these are real celebrities, which is perfect for the show since it often includes the names and faces of celebrities from the real world, as well as parodied versions of things that exist in the real world too.
World of Tomorrow
Project Components
Well, that's a wrap! Bellow are the links to the project components! Enjoy :) Instagram: @stare.shortfilm Postcard: Front of Pos...

In attempting to create a better concept for my short film, I decided to do what I always do, and start writing down any words that cam...
Story Board Over the past few days, I've been trying my best to work on my storyboard for the opening. I must admit that I...
When starting the documentary portion in our class, we watched a series of documentaries to get us familiarized with this specific genr...